
Why the Sixth Form at Shrewsbury High?

At our recent Sixth Form Open Evening, year 11 students from SHS and beyond heard directly from current Shrewsbury High Sixth Formers on what they are enjoying most about life in the Sixth Form, and why they decided to either stay, or join, SHS into year 12.

Georgia, Head Girl

The small class sizes mean that we are able to learn in a more discussion-based way which I find helpful as any questions can be answered really easily. The individualised support is also there to help you go on to do whatever you want beyond Shrewsbury High whether that’s applying to university or maybe doing an apprenticeship.

There’s a really nice balance between having a lot of freedom – like getting on with independent work in study periods and going into town at lunch – but also lots of support whenever you need it.

Sixth Form here gives plenty of opportunity to take part in extracurricular activities and of course the opportunity for leadership whether that be Head Girl, House Captain, or something a bit more low key like being a Subject or Peer Mentor. These experiences build up your confidence massively and from my point of view, being Head Girl and having the opportunity to speak at events like this evening has massively helped me to develop my voice.

Another huge benefit to Sixth Form in particular is the connections to the GDST.  This is something I have really felt the benefit of during my time in the Sixth Form; being able to attend different GDST events and meet other girls, making friends and connections from all around the country.

Evie-Rose Y12

At SHS I love the sense that everyone is seen as individuals, meaning your unique qualities and talents are noticed and celebrated. And because you feel so known by your teachers they also encourage you to do whatever you aspire to.

I was ready for change – but at SHS Sixth Form IS a significant change from Year 11.  You get to almost personalise your time at the school – you specialise in subjects of your choice with smaller classes. There are also many different opportunities at Shrewsbury High Sixth Form such as leadership roles and the academic opportunities beyond your A Levels that are on offer (EPQ – an independent research project on a topic of your choice or LEAD – a business diploma in partnership with London School of Economics are just two examples).

Sixth Form at Shrewsbury High also provides so much support for its students with careers, university options and your individual subjects, and this support I think is unmatched in relation to the  other schools I applied to. Having the constant reassurance that a levels can be a challenge but there is always someone to help make the challenge just a bit easier for you.

Sixth Form is not a particularly long period of time in your life, but it is so important. I believe that Sixth Form is a time when you really begin to find yourself – in terms of academic interests or extra-curricular talents – or just who you feel you are or want to be. Personally I am absolutely loving the Sixth Form environment here and the subjects that I have chosen. Whilst this is initially a bit of a shock to the system, we have been so well supported to adapt to new routines and have settled into life in number 26. Therefore, I have complete confidence that I made the correct decision to stay here at Shrewsbury High School.

Isla Y12

I came from a mixed school I had been at since year 7 and wanted to explore different options. I decided I would come to Shrewsbury High for my A Levels – and it is the best decision I could have made.

There were several factors that attracted me to SHS. One was the all-girls atmosphere.  Being at a mixed school previously I felt certain things were inhibiting, not just my learning but the feeling of being able to get fully involved. While only being at SHS for 4 weeks I already feel so comfortable and able to jump in and get fully involved and learn to the best of my ability without the background noise or fear of judgement. This is a huge plus when I come to make my UCAS applications because I will be able to talk about things I may never have done at a mixed school.

Another draw for me was the size, with about 40 in my year group and my biggest class being 9 people, you feel fully noticed and known and get a lot of attention when it comes to academics. This is a huge advantage at a level with learning tricky topics, teachers always have time to give you help and support, it also makes discussions in lessons better as it gives you the ability to make contributions and be fully seen and heard.

Whilst only being here for 4 weeks I feel fully a part of the SHS community, everyone has been so welcoming and included me in everything to do with school life. I have already played in a hockey tournament, started scribble, our English literature magazine and joined Sixth Form netball. The environment provided at SHS has given me a great platform for my next steps and I have decided that it was the best decision I could have made.

Why the Sixth Form at Shrewsbury High?