The power of the GDST
It is in the Sixth Form that the power of the GDST’s 100,000 strong alumnae network really makes a difference to our students. Shrewsbury High School Sixth Formers are joined to this network of brilliant women enabling them to seek advice on university and career paths from women who were once GDST Sixth Formers themselves.
Collaboration can include pre-university courses and tutorials together with year 13s in our sister schools, participation in the GDST Leadership and Enterprise Course or GDST Space Technology Diploma, academic mentoring and academic seminars in all manner of topics, plus the numerous GDST events including GDST sports rallies, GDST Sing, GDST Select XI cricket…

GDST Alumnae
GDST alumnae span the world and every professional sector. We have over 100,000 members and the network is increasing every year. Being a GDST alumna offers endless opportunities. From mentoring to professional networking, self-development and social events, the network offers a community unlike any other.

GDST Scholarships and Prizes
Sixth Formers across the GDST are eligible to enter for a range of awards in the form of competition prizes, scholarships and travel grants. Awards include The Helen Fraser GDST Young Musician of the Year, GDST Travel
Scholarships, Pearson and Silver Classics Awards and the Nomura Scholarships giving students the opportunity to secure a place on a highly competitive two-week immersion programme.