Co-curricular Opportunities Abound

Sport for all
Embracing the endless energy and natural competitiveness of our pupils. Sport and PE is inclusive and fun with a lively house competition and an extensive co-curricular timetable; from the enthusiastic amateur to the elite athlete, from those with individual passions: the show jumper, the gymnast or the dancer, to those whose passion is team sports; hockey, netball, football, rowing, cricket, each pupil has a chance to try something new, compete for the school and develop new skills.
Our Sporting Mission Statement
Sport at Shrewsbury High School is inclusive and fun. We teach skills, celebrate teamwork, commitment and character and build a lifelong love of sports in every pupil, from Reception to Sixth Form.
Opportunity abounds through a wide range of curriculum lessons, co-curricular clubs, the SHS elite athlete programme and a varied fixture list for every student to compete, whether you are an enthusiastic amateur or an elite athlete. If you show commitment to clubs and training sessions, whatever your level, you will have the chance to compete for SHS.
From Reception to Sixth Form our PE curriculum programme inspires all pupils to enjoy participation in sport and helps students develop the knowledge, attitude, motor skills, social skills and confidence needed to begin and maintain a healthy, physically active lifestyle for the rest of their life.
We have an extensive sports programme on offer at Shrewsbury High School catering for those wanting to participate for recreation and those who want to compete for school, for the elite and the enthusiast. We ensure that all students who attend clubs have a chance to compete if they wish to. Training takes place at lunch times and after school and fixtures are after school or at weekends.
Your daughter’s sporting journey
From Reception to Sixth Form our PE curriculum programme inspires all pupils to enjoy participation in sport and helps students develop the knowledge, attitude, motor skills, social skills and confidence needed to begin and maintain a healthy, physically active lifestyle for the rest of their life.
Your daughter’s sporting journey starts in her first days at Shrewsbury High School…
In PE, we create structured and free play environments to introduce and develop control and coordination in large and small movements. Activities include dance, gymnastics and ball skills to help children move confidently in a range of ways, negotiating space safely. They also learn to express themselves clearly about what they can do to keep themselves healthy and safe.
Years 1-3
Girls develop fundamental movement skills, becoming increasingly competent and confident, continuing to improve their agility, balance and coordination through dance, gymnastics and ball skills, both individually and with others. They are now able to engage in competitive and cooperative physical activities in a range of increasingly challenging situations.
Years 3-6
Girls continue to apply and develop a broad range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other and develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports. They are also learning how to evaluate and recognise their own success and begin to understand the positive benefits of being physically active.
Activities include: netball, hockey, basketball, dance, gymnastics, swimming, fitness and wellbeing, badminton, football, basketball, tag rugby, tennis, athletics, rounders, cricket.
Years 7-9
Girls build on and embed the physical development and skills learned in earlier years. They become more competent, confident and expert in their techniques and apply them across different sports and physical activities. They understand what makes a performance effective and how to apply these principles to their own and others’ work. They develop the confidence and interest to get involved in exercise, sports and activities out of school and in later life and understand and apply the long-term health benefits of physical activity.
Activities include: netball, hockey, basketball, dance, gymnastics, swimming, volleyball, fitness and wellbeing, badminton, football, basketball, tag rugby, tennis, athletics, rounders, cricket.
Years 10 & 11
PE continues in the girls’ curriculum lessons and they also have the choice to choose it as a GCSE subject. They now tackle more complex and demanding activities. They are offered a wider range of activities that develops personal fitness and promotes an active, healthy lifestyle. From year 10 girls have the opportunity to choose rowing as a optional sport and in year 11 they can also use the Anytime Fitness gym.
Activities include: netball, hockey, basketball, dance, gymnastics, yoga, swimming, volleyball, fitness and wellbeing, badminton, football, basketball, tag rugby, tennis, athletics, rounders, cricket.
Sixth Form
PE in the Sixth Form focuses on nurturing a love of physical activity to allow students to maintain a healthy physically active lifestyle for the rest of their life. Students can choose the activities they wish to participate in and can also choose it as an A Level subject.
Activities include: netball, hockey, basketball, volleyball, badminton, Anytime Fitness, football, basketball, tennis, athletics, rounders, cricket and rowing.

Fine Art to Graphic Design - We are a Creative School
Creativity is a thread that runs throughout the school, and whether your daughter loves Textiles, Sketching, Ceramics, Photography or Fine Art, there is a club for her – our dedicated Art House runs clubs throughout the year for Junior artists through to Scholars.
Shrewsbury High School is renowned for its innovative and dynamic Art Department all the way through from Reception to Sixth Form. Creativity is encouraged and nurtured and the walls of the school are filled with brilliant art work created by our pupils. Whilst our A level artists achieved a clean sweep of top grades, Art Clubs encourage everyone of all abilities and talents to get involved.
Opportunities abound from Ready Steady Art club for Junior pupils, through to Ceramics club, Scholars Art Club and working with our Music, Dance and Drama departments on costume and set design – try a graffiti workshop or have a go at textile design.
At the annual SHS Art Exhibition, pupils from across the school have their art hung alongside examination and alumnae artwork.

Music - soloists to ensembles
Music Clubs run every day at SHS and if you’re ever walking through the Old Hall at lunchtime or maybe through the Quarry in the morning, you’ll no doubt hear one of our ensembles rehearsing ahead of a small recital or full, whole school concert.
Our talented musicians have the opportunity to perform together in ensembles including Wind Band, Orchestra, Piano Ensemble, Choirs (Junior, Senior and Chamber), Rock Band, Swing Band, the list goes on…
For girls who are just beginning their musical journey, our Music Department has its own Training Orchestra, so that girls have the opportunity to learn to play as an ensemble without the pressure of starting in the Full Orchestra. Clubs are open to all with Chamber Choir inviting our most talented singers.
Musicians perform in our two main concerts, one at St Chad’s in the Spring and one in Shrewsbury Abbey in the autumn. Our annual Carol Service is hugely popular and all pupils will perform at the very least with their Houses for House Carols.

All the World's a Stage - Drama at SHS
From Shakespeare to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang – Drama Clubs offer the freedom to become someone new, let loose and take to the stage. Our Junior and Senior Productions can vary every year – one year a toe tapping Oliver!, the next a dystopian vision of the future in Noughts and Crosses, on to A Midsummer Night’s Dream and a trip into Wonderland with our Junior girls for Alice in Wonderland.
The experience that Drama offers the girls at SHS is designed to encourage creativity, independence, commitment and resilience and to develop and maintain a passion for performance, theatre and drama that will extend well into adult life.
Girls wishing to take part in Drama productions are selected through a process of auditions and there is a an expectation of commitment from the cast of a Drama production as there are several rehearsals per week, one of which is compulsory.
Junior Drama Club sees our Junior pupils led by Senior girls as they produce the ever popular Junior Production. LAMDA is also available and extremely popular with Junior and Senior pupils.
Shrewsbury High School, in partnership with the Birmingham Rep offers a Satellite Youth Theatre every week after school. Over the course of the year pupils in year 9 and above are able to attend weekly workshops at the school with a Birmingham Rep director. They explore plays in the current Rep season, with performance showings every half term. This culminates in a performance on the main stage at The Rep in Birmingham in July. For those of our drama students who want to extend and develop their dramatic talents event further, this is a unique opportunity to bring the experience and excitement of the Birmingham Rep to the High School on a weekly basis.
A highlight of the school year is House Drama – student led productions that see our school Houses compete for the coveted House Drama Cup!
A successful Shrewsbury High School experience is about much more than just exams and with over 100 clubs available every week, our pupils are actively encouraged to pursue new passions and develop existing ones.
Duke of Edinburgh Award, Sci Soc, Dr Who Club, Art History and Architecture, Business Tycoon Club, DT, Gardening, Greek, Dance, Language Challenge, Arts Award, Eco Club and Adventure Activity Club – whatever your interest, there’s a club for you.