
Congratulations Year 11 – GCSE results 2024

A well-deserved morning of celebration at Shrewsbury High School as year 11 students collected their GCSE results to warm congratulations from their families, teachers, and school friends.  Head Darren Payne expressed his pride at their results, “Congratulations to our wonderful year 11s.  Whatever their starting point, they have exceeded their own expectations and they have worked hard and thoroughly deserve the grades they receive today. A huge thanks also to our dedicated teachers and staff at SHS who have worked closely with our students and their families to support them both academically and pastorally.


Individually there have been some outstanding results and what has also been very exciting is the breadth of success across so many faculties – outside of the Core Subjects, there have been superb results for the Languages Department, continuing to buck the national trend with excellent results in French and German and 100% 9-7 achieved in Latin.  Building on the success of Art in last week’s A level results, our creative subjects continue to shine with Drama and Music also achieving excellent results.  There were also strong results in STEM subjects, as well as in Computer Science and Statistics which also saw a 100% 9-7 achievement.

So, with achievement across the board, we can now look ahead to welcoming the girls back to school in September to begin their A level studies in our Sixth Form.  There is much to be excited about as girls move into year 12 and with over 80% of our recent year 13 leavers moving on to their first choice university, and having achieved such success in their A-level results, our new Sixth Formers know that whatever their ambitions for the future, the next two years at Shrewsbury High will set them up to head out into the world with confidence and ambition.  We couldn’t be prouder of them all!”


Congratulations Year 11 – GCSE results 2024