
Inspection Report

Shrewsbury High School recognised as Excellent in all areas.

"Pupils highly positive attitudes to learning demonstrate their drive and determination. They are enthusiastic and ambitious learners with a genuine desire to succeed."

Following our Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection in November 2022, the ISI has given Shrewsbury High School the highest rating obtainable with the key findings that the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements, and the quality of pupils’ personal development are excellent.

At the heart of our mission is a promise to deliver excellence consistently and reliably for all our pupils.  We hold this promise very dear and so we are absolutely thrilled that the ISI, having intensely scrutinised and observed our school at every level, and in every aspect of the education we provide from Reception to Year 13, concluded emphatically that we deliver on that promise.


The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.

Pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding are notably strong and they are willing to take risks with their learning.

Pupils are enthusiastic, ambitious, self-motivated and take responsibility for their own learning.

Pupils have highly developed learning skills which they employ confidently.

The quality of pupils’ personal development is excellent.

Pupils demonstrate excellent social development and collaborate productively.

Pupils develop an excellent understanding of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and know how to take responsibility for their own wellbeing.

Pupils are empathetic and tolerant with a strong commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.

"High quality relationships between pupils and teachers further enhance the benefits of small class sizes."
"Pupils are highly articulate, share their ideas willingly and listen respectfully to each other."
"The strong community ethos means that pupils are excellent at looking after each other and confident to speak to a trusted adult should they have concerns."
"Pupils value and celebrate diversity, demonstrating a deep respect for each other and their community. They speak of the school as being an inclusive community where a culture of mutual respect is pervasive."
Inspection Report